Monday, August 30, 2010

decomposers in the ocean

Let us learn about decomposers in the ocean

Depending on the depth & availability of temperature & sunlight, the ocean is divided into different zones & this offers the presence of different type of organisms & the decomposers in each zone.
Intertidal zone - Lots of crabs, sea urchins, seaweed & starfish tend to live here.
Neritic zone - sea weeds, Crustaceans & large number of fishes are found in this zone.
Pelagic zone - This includes the photic zone, & aphotic zone.
Photic zone - Strengthen phytoplankton due to the availability of whales which feed on this phytoplankton are found here & sunlight.
Aphotic zone - This is the dark zone The sun’s light does not reach & hence is the home for many decomposers which feed on bits & pieces of dead stuff that sink down to the bottom.

Decomposers in the Ocean consist of marine worms, bacteria, & Marine Seaweed. Marine seaweed help protect marine life. It's also important because all of these things help eat away the dead organisms

In our next blog we shall learn about law of octaves I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

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