Thursday, August 26, 2010

conditional probability calculator

Let us learn about conditional probability calculator

Conditional probability calculator is the branch of mathematics which deals with random events & chance. Conditional probability calculator is related to our common sense notion of chance but uses exact numbers.

The conditional probability calculator comes in handy if you want to know the odds of a specific outcome. Best for an example lets us say if you want to know the odds of rolling an even number with a die. If you look at the conditional probability calculator the first area, you should enter the number six because there are six sides or number on the die. The second area you would enter how many odd numbers there are on the die that is three. The same goes for rolling an even number, hence you would enter the number three in the third field. Once you finished entering in the required information click on calculate & it gives the probability of rolling not only the odds of rolling an even number but also the odds of rolling a & odd number.

In our next blog we shall learn about Ogive Graph I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

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