Wednesday, August 11, 2010

biot savart

Let us learn about biot savart

Biot Savart's Law gives the field created by a current element depending on the distance from the current element much like the coulombs law of charge. In this article we shall briefly learn the basic statement of Biot Savart's Law

Introduction to Biot-Savart's Law

All magnetic fields that we known are due to currents (or moving charges) and due to intrinsic magnetic movements of particles, here we will study the relation between the current and magnetic field it produces. It is given by Biot-Savart’s law.

Biot-savart Law: Description

Consider a finite conductor carrying current I, an infinitesimal element dl of the conductor. The magnetic field dB due to this element is to be determined at a point P which is at distance r from it. Let Θ be the angle between dl and the displacement vector r. According to biot savarty law, the magnitude of the magnetic field db is proportional to the current I, the element length dl, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance r. Its direction is perpendicular to the plane containing dl and r. Thus in vector notation,

In our next blog we shall learn about buccal cavity I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your

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